- Terlalu mempercayai iklan
- Coba-coba tanpa tahu apa yg dipakai
- Memakai produk yg tidak sesuai dengan jenis kulitnya
- Berpikir jika produk mahal, pastilah bagus hasilnya atau yg lbh parah lg justru berpikiran pakai yang murah saja bagus ngapain pakai yg mahal.
- Menyenangi produk instan (cpt putih, cpt bersih) tnpa memikirkan efek jangka panjangnya
- Senang bergonti-ganti produk
- Membeli produk tanpa konsultasi terlebih dahulu pada ahli estetika/kulit dan kecantikan
- Tidak berpikir bahwa kulit wajah itu sangat sensitif sehingga memperlakukannya tidak sama dengan kulit badan
- Mereka tidak curiga pd produk yg mereka pakai padahal kulitnya menjadi perih, mengelupas, kemerahan kaya udang rebus, gatal, dan menganggap itu hanya reaksi awal obat saja.
- Tidak dibawah pengawasan dokter
Oriflame Values
You know the three core Values of Oriflame:
Togetherness: As we said, in Oriflame you have a business of your own –
but you are never alone. We support and recognise each other. We work
in teams, knowing that it is both more fun and rewarding to grow a
business together with others.
Spirit: You know you succeed to the highest level in Oriflame with a fighting spirit. You never ever give up!
Being a leader in Oriflame is not always easy -- but it is very rewarding! Everything is possible!
Passion: You show passion for your Oriflame business – because you are having fun, making money, and going for your dreams.
This is a volunteer business. And when you are excited about it, others
volunteer! You act as ”centre of positive energy” and show a positive
and dynamic attitude and outlook.
Over time there has also been
a development amongst successful Leaders of principles for running
your own business. Let’s look at these in detail.
*Yensen groupFB March 28, 2012
Oriflame Leadership Path
Use the Success Plan Leaders Edition
(Pass out the Leaders Edition to each participant.)
Use it as a reference and guide to your future. Understand the Oriflame policies and rules.
Learn how to calculate your Performance Discount and Bonuses.
Read it -- picturing yourself reaching these levels!
Testimonial from Leaders:
When did I decide to make Oriflame a career?
What has it meant to me and my family?
What is my current goal?
Now let’s look at the Oriflame values which underlay your success.
*Yensen groupFB March 28, 2012
Oriflame Leadership Path
How high would you like to go?
As you know, top achievers in Oriflame, Diamond Directors and above
have advanced up the Leadership Path and are now making large bonus
checks. The average first year earning of a Diamond Director is $ 45
600! And that is just the beginning.
But they all started the
same way, the same as you – friend to friend – growing up the Leadership
Path until they now have organizations of thousands of people. And
they did it without a large capital investment, just a simple
registration fee.
Compare this to purchasing a franchise. For
example, a Mac Donalds franchise costs around USD $500 000. Not many
people can raise that sort of capital. And even when they have the
franchise up and running, personally they are making only modest
profits. A Diamond Director in Oriflame in contrast has an income
stream that already is larger than many franchise owners, and it
contrinues to grow over time as their network continues to expand.
So, how high would you like to go? Director? Gold? Sapphire? Diamond? Double Diamond? Executive? And more?
The Success Plan is now your map to success! Make it your guide and resource.
*Yensen groupFB March 28, 2012
Oriflame Manager in a unique position
An Oriflame Manager is also in a unique position:
You get to help many people:
-Look great, Make money and Have fun
-While they transform their lives and fulfill their dreams!
And you fulfill your dreams!
This is what many experienced Directors are most happy and proud about –
that every day people are thanking them for bringing Oriflame into
their lives. Where else does that happen?
And you are on that rewarding Leadership path to Director and beyond!
This is laid out in detail for you in the Oriflame Success Plan.
*Yensen groupFB March 28, 2012
Oriflame’s unique industry position.
Oriflame has a unique position in the Direct Selling industry.
Can you see the wide distinction between what we call ”make money
today” companies, and the ”fulfill your dreams tomorrow” companies?
One side attracts people who want to earn money now, but not Leaders who want to build a long term business.
The others, in contrast, can attract Leaders by offering the
expectation of reaching their dreams if they build a large network --
but very few recruits actually make any money, and most leave
In Oriflame, on the other hand, you can offer
everyone the opportunity to earn money immediately AND at the same time
fullfill their dreams. This is unique in the industry. (The companies
on the other two sides all claim it, but if you scratch beyond the
surface you will find that they do not deliver on this promise!)
this uniqueness enables you to attract all kinds of people to your
Oriflame business – people who just want to look great, people who want
to have fun, and people who want to make serious money – to build a
network and go for their dreams.
The majority of your recruits
may only sell a little and save on their purchases for themselves and
their family. Still this majority are very important because they and
their customers create a large base that stabliizes your business.
Having a customer base outside your Consultant network is something the
”Fullfill your dreams companies” usually lack, making them unstable,
rising quickly and then falling.
In contract, the ”Make money today
companies”, as we said, lack the prospect of fullfilling your dreams; or
they have very high personal sales requirements if you want to create a
network – thereby you will fail to attract the serious people who want
the freedom to build their own business and enjoy long term success like
you. By the way, you also fail to attract those who just want to buy at
wholesale for themselves and their family.
Make the most of your unique position!
*Yensen groupFB March 28, 2012
Why join Oriflame?
“Look Great, Make Money, Have Fun!”
Look Great: using ”Natural Swedish
Cosmetics” with the wisdom of nature and the best of science.
Make Money: Oriflame is unique by offering ”Make money today AND fulfill your dreams tomorrow.”
Have Fun: meet people, make friends; grow professionally and personally through rainings, meetings and events.
With Oriflame it is always the individual who chooses how much to
participate in each part. Whether just enjoying the beauty aspect as a
customer, making and additional income or making it a career and whether
to participate in the many opportunities for personal growth, meeting
new people and making new friends.
The combination of these three short phrases attracts every kind of recruit, and helps you build a large network.
It also puts you in a very rewarding role.
*Yensen groupFB March 28, 2012
Oriflame’s Mission
Mission -- our reason for existense:
To Fulfill Dreams
Our mission is to offer everyone -- customers, Consultants and employees -- an opportunity to fulfill their dreams.
Our ultimate goal is to become the world´s #1 beauty company selling direct.
Oriflame is proud of this Mission, and serious about making it happen for millions of people. You can be part of this Mission, transforming your life, going for you dreams in Oriflame, and helping others do the same.
Becoming #1 is a very challenging goal.
But Oriflame is facing up to the challenge, making substantial
investments and providing the resourses where they will generate this
Oriflame has a unique position in the Direct Sale Industry which is why we are confident we will succeed.
You can be part of this goal. You can join in this success!
*Yensen groupFB March 28, 2012
maraknya produk kecantikan dan perawatan kulit wajah yang beredar di
masyarakat saat ini, mengharuskan kita untuk lebih teliti dalam
memilih. Tidak semua yang ditawarkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan jenis
kulit kita. Ada baiknya sebelum memilih kosmetik dan perawatan untuk
kulit, Anda mengenali terlebih dahulu jenis kulit Anda.
Berikut akan dijelaskan mengenai jenis - jenis kulit wajah :
1. Kulit Normal
Ditandai dgn : permukaan yang lembut, kenyal, dan ukuran pori-pori yang relatif kecil, tingkat elastisitas yang bagus, lembut, dan padat bila disentuh.
Orang yang berkulit normal juga tidak terlalu sulit untuk melakukan perawatan
2.Kulit Berminyak
Ditandai dgn : kulit wajah tampak berkilap, kulit berlapisan tebal, dan memiliki pori-pori yang cenderung besar serta terlihat jelas. Mudah timbul jerawat dan komedo.
Perawatan bagi kulit berminyak ini memang relatif lebih sulit dibanding dengan kulit normal. Disarankan pembersihan dilakukan dengan menggunakan foaming cleanser atau sabun khusus wajah yang mengandung bahan aktif mengurangi minyak berlebih pada wajah.
3.Kulit Kering
Ditandai dgn : kulit Anda terasa mengeripik atau terasa ketat di wajah, pori - pori kecil, kandungan minyak dan air pada kulit wajah sedikit, mudah timbul kerutan.
Jika Anda berganti sabun, itu juga merupakan faktor lain penyebab kulit Anda menjadi kering. Sabun, pada umumnya bila digunakan untuk kulit normal akan memberikan dampak kulit menjadi kering. Baiknya menggunakan sabun yang pH – balanced (sesuai dengan derajat keasaman kulit) sehingga tidak menyebabkan kekeringan pada kulit. Produk perawatan lainnya yang sesuai untuk kulit kering adalah milk cleanser yang akan memberikan rasa lembab serta nyaman pada kulit.
4.Kulit Kombinasi
Ditandai dgn : Satu bagian berminyak sedangkan bagian lainnya kering. Bagian berminyak pada wajah sering terjadi di daerah T atau disebut dengan T zone, yaitu daerah hidung, dahi, dagu. Sedangkan bagian pipi dan area sekitar mata merupakan daerah yang cenderung kering.
Perawatan kulit kombinasi ini dapat dikatakan cukup sulit. Anda harus lebih berhati-hati dalam memilih produk pembersih.
5.Kulit Sensitif
Kulit sensitif akan lebih mudah terbakar sinar matahari, sensitif terhadap produk-produk kosmetik, dan mungkin juga terbakar atau pedih pada saat terkena angin, sinar matahari, dan pergantian musim atau cuaca yang ekstrem.
Menurut banyak ahli, produk perawatan kulit dengan bahan alami adalah pilihan yang paling tepat. Bahan-bahan alami akan menutrisi kulit dari dalam dan mengembalikan elastisitasnya. Sabun dan shower gel berbahan alami juga dianjurkan karena relatif bersahabat dengan beragam jenis kulit. Bisa juga menggunakan produk yang memang diformulasikan untuk kulit sensitive yaitu yang bersifat hypo-allergenic.
Jika Anda telah mengenali, maka Anda akan bijak memilih produk dan tentu yang sesuai dengan jenis kulit wajah Anda.
Know your skin by dr. Utari Stella Cosmetologist - Yensen Groupfb maret 21, 2012
Oriflame-a profession!
Why choose Oriflame as a profession?
Of course, Oriflame can be a hobby, where you have fun and earn some extra money.
And it can be a part-time avocation, where you earn part-time income.
However, Oriflame can also become a lot more. It can be your business career, with the possibility to fulfill your dreams.
The benefits of a career in Oriflame start immediately. You are
immediately your own boss. You set your own schedule, with flexible
hours to fit your lifestyle.
You have ”job security” because no one can fire you. And most importantly, you can earn unlimited income.
This unlimited income opportunity allows you to fulfill your dreams -- in a way few professions can offer.
Because in Oriflame you have a business of your own – but you are never alone.
Many other people want you to succeed. Your Sponsor, your Leaders,
your up-line, and the company, all have a stake in your succeess.
All support you as you grow and reach the levels you desire. Very few other professions offer you such benefits.
So you are standing at a point in Oriflame where you will either choose
to be content with what you have and what you earn – or you will take
advantage of these benefits and aim to build a true career and business
of your own.
Whatever you decide, Oriflame respects your choice
and appreciates you – with Oriflame it is always your choice how far
you grow and how much you earn.
However, I sense that many of
you here today have the ambition to make something big with Oriflame, or
you would not be attending this training.
So I believe it is important that you fully understand the Vision and Mission of Oriflame,
and appreciate what Oriflame can do for you.
*Yensen groupFB March 28, 2012
Oriflame has a Leadership Path.
The details of this path can be a bit different in different parts of
the world, depending upon the size of networks and the development of
the Leaders.
But generally it follows a natural order arising in 7 stages. Notice how each stage builds upon the proceeding stages:
1. You begin as a Consultant by learning to lead yourself: From your
Sponsor, Leaders and the company, you learn about the products, how to
show the catalog, make recommendations, take orders, and serve your
customers. You learn how to invite your friends to the meetings and
events. You also learn to employ self discipline, time management and
personal success principles, while you earn commissions on your personal
2. Next you learn to lead another person as a Sponsor:
When someone you invited joins Oriflame, you find you have valuable
information to share. You can help them learn the business, and lead
them to personal success. Soon you are sponsoring many people, and
growing in rank, 3%, 6%, 9%. You begin earning a bonus check.
3. Then, as a Manager 12% to 18%, you learn to lead a team: You have
attracted enough people to your personal group that you can gather
interested Consultants to work as a team, and succeed as team. You teach
your team to hold small group OOMs, demonstrations, and team
activities. You go as a group to all the Oriflame functions. Everyone on
your team benefits from the teamwork and synergy. Your bonus check
4. Next, as a Director, you learn to lead an
organization: By this time you have several teams in your personal
group, which you now structure and lead to become an entire
organization. You hold Oriflame Opportunity Meetings, trainings, larger
events, and motivational activities which drive the success of this
organization. Your bonus check grows even larger.
5. As your
Managers split out and become Directors, you become Gold and Sapphire.
This raises you to a new Leadership level. You not only lead your own
organization, but you learn to lead Directors who are now Leaders of
their own separate organizations. You take a higher position, coaching
them, inspiring them, and sponsoring important leadership trainings.
Periodically you organize all your Directors to hold large joint events,
promotions and activities which inspire your entire network to success
on an even larger scale. Now your bonus check becomes serious money!
6. When you reach Diamond, with 6 Director split-outs, you are reaching
an even higher Leadership level, where you learn to lead your entire
Network. You focus on the big picture. You work with the MD and Oriflame
management to plan and coordinate overall strategy and large-scale
activity. You have a strong influence on your own Directors and help
them plan their destiny. You become a legend. You are a powerful
motivator and inspiration to your whole network. And your check is at
the level an executives in a major corporations. But you are not
7. You can also continue to grow to Executive
Director and above, and find yourself at an even higher level of
Leadership – leading the Oriflame world. Think of the world-wide leaders
of Oriflame, the Top 15. They attend the world-wide conferences, sit in
counsel with the CEO of Oriflame and share in global strategy. They are
invited to travel to many countries where they give seminars, consult
with Leaders and motivate thousands of Consultants. They have an impact
on many hundreds of thousands of Consultants world-wide. And many have
the check of a millionaire. What would it be like to stand in their
shoes. That is your destiny, as you climb the Oriflame Leadership Path.
Each stage in the Leadership Path has its skills and lessons to learn.
Each stage has its special challenges and rewards.
Congratulations, you have already reached the 3rd stage. You are a Manager.
Now it’s time to learn how to lead your team to success, and build toward Director.
And at the Manager stage, many Consultants first begin to see that Oriflame is not just a hobby, but a real business.
In fact, Oriflame can be your profession.
*Yensen groupFB March 28, 2012
yang tidak ingin memiliki kulit wajah yang cantik dan sehat, mengingat
kulit wajah merupakan salah satu bagian yang penting bagi kita dan kulit
wajah jauh lebih sensitive jika dibandingkan dengan kulit bagian
lainnya. Oleh karena itu, Anda harus merawat dan menjaga kulit
wajah dengan baik dan benar untuk memperoleh kulit wajah yang cantik dan
juga sehat.
Perawatan Wajah Sehari - hari
Ada 3 tahap perawatan wajah dasar yang sebaiknya rutin dilakukan untuk semua jenis kulit , yaitu :
1) Pembersihan
pembersihan wajah yg lengkap :
- Membersihkan wajah dgn susu pembersih dan kemudian diangkat dengan menggunakan washlap basah, kemudian.
- Membersihkan wajah dengan sabun wajah (baiknya sabun yang pH-balanced)
2) Penyegaran
Setelah dibersihkan wajah dibubuhi penyegar (toner) untuk menyegarkan
kulit dan membersihkan kotoran yang masih tersisa pada proses
pembersihan serta meringkas pori
3) Pelembaban
jenis kulit wajah, pelembab penting digunakan untuk menghindari
dehidrasi pada kulit . Kulit wajah pun akan tetap kenyal dan halus.
Perawatan wajah sesuai dgn jenis kulit
Jenis kulit wajah yang dimiliki setiap orang berbeda2 sehingga diperlukan perawatan yang berbeda sesuai dgn jenis kulitnya.
1) Perawatan kulit wajah berminyak :
- Lakukan pembersihan wajah secara teratur. Minyak yg berlebih dapat menyebabkan timbulnya jerawat
- Hindari pemakaian kosmetik berbahan dasar minyak . Gunakan kosmetik dan pelembab berbahan dasar air dan bersifat non comedogenic
- Dapat melakukan scrub 2x seminggu untuk mengangkat sel – sel kulit mati dan komedo untuk mencegah timbulnya jerawat dan agar kulit wajah tidak tampak kusam.
2) Perawatan kulit wajah sensitif
- Pilih produk perawatan yg tepat (hypoallergenic dan non comedogenic). Kulit wajah yg sensitive cepat bereaksi terhadap bahan kimia. Akibatnya dpt menimbulkan problem iritasi dan kemerahan
- Lakukan perawatan wajah dengan menggunakan produk berbahan alami atau natural. Sebaiknya, produk dicoba terlebih dahulu untuk melihat reaksinya terhadap kulit
- Hindari pemakaian make up yg terlalu sering
3) Perawatan kulit wajah kering
- Gunakan sabun khusus untuk kulit wajah kering dan jangan menggunakan penyegar yg mengandung alkohol
- Gunakan pelembab secara teratur untuk menjaga kelembaban kulit
Selain perawatan yang dilakukan dirumah sendiri, Anda juga perlu
melakukan perawatan di klinik – klinik kecantikan. Perawatan di klinik
dapat dilakukan 1-2x / bulan untuk membantu kulit anda senantiasa cantik
dan sehat.
* Macam- macam perawatan wajah di klinik kecantikan
- Facial perawatan wajah rutin yg meliputi tahap2 dasar seperti :
- Pembersihan, scrubbing, pijat (massage), pengambilan komedo , masker
- Therapy perawatan wajah yg memakai teknologi laser atau gelombang listrik biasanya bertujuan utk menghaluskan kulit , mengurangi kerutan , melancarkan peredaran darah, dan menangani permasalahan kulit lainnya (flek, jerawat)
Tips penting dalam merawat wajah
- Makan banyak buah2an dan sayuran karena mangandung vitamin dan zat antioksidan yg penting bagi kesehatan kulit. Untuk kulit berminyak dan berjerawat ada baiknya menghindari konsumsi vitamin E, karena dapat semakin membuat kulit menjadi lembab dan berminyak.
- Pilih produk perawatan wajah secara tepat sesuai dgn jenis kulit
- Bersihkan wajah setiap pagi dan malam secara teratur
- Gunakan suncare saat beraktivitas diluar ruangan untuk melindungi kulit wajah dari sinar matahari (sinar UV A dan UV B)
- Pemakaian pelembab sangat dianjurkan untuk mempertahankan kelembaban kulit terutama bagi yg berusia 25 thn ke atas.
Sumber : Yensen FBgroup 4 April 2012
*Set 1 (Mirage Edt, Lipstik Powershine, Diamond Cellular Day Cream)
*Set 2 (Embrace Him Edt, Lipstik Powershine, Diamond Cellular Day Cream)
* Para pencapai kualifikasi akan mendapatkan 1 set produk pilihan setelah melakukan order pertama Rp.200.000,- di bulan Mei 2012.
* Setiap produk dalam katalog memiliki sejumlah Bonus Point. Daftar Bonus Point secara keseluruhan dapat ditemukan dalam Consultant Price List (CPL)
* Para pencapai kualifikasi akan mendapatkan 1 set produk pilihan setelah melakukan order pertama Rp.200.000,- di bulan Mei 2012.
* Setiap produk dalam katalog memiliki sejumlah Bonus Point. Daftar Bonus Point secara keseluruhan dapat ditemukan dalam Consultant Price List (CPL)
Syarat & Ketentuan:
>Setiap order Rp.250.000,- Anda hanya dapat membeli masing-masing 1 produk dari pilihan yang ada.
> Masukkan semua kode di kolom order normal.
> Harga yang berlaku adalah harga Consultant.
> Order Rp.250.000,- berupa produk BP.
> Berlaku kelipatan.
> Selama persediaan masih ada.
> Flyer ini tidak dijual.
>Setiap order Rp.250.000,- Anda hanya dapat membeli masing-masing 1 produk dari pilihan yang ada.
> Masukkan semua kode di kolom order normal.
> Harga yang berlaku adalah harga Consultant.
> Order Rp.250.000,- berupa produk BP.
> Berlaku kelipatan.
> Selama persediaan masih ada.
> Flyer ini tidak dijual.