Slide 4 of Leadership Academy Module 1

Why join Oriflame?

“Look Great, Make Money, Have Fun!”

Look Great: using ”Natural Swedish
Cosmetics” with the wisdom of nature and the best of science.

Make Money: Oriflame is unique by offering ”Make money today AND fulfill your dreams tomorrow.”

Have Fun: meet people, make friends; grow professionally and personally through rainings, meetings and events.

With Oriflame it is always the individual who chooses how much to participate in each part. Whether just enjoying the beauty aspect as a customer, making and additional income or making it a career and whether to participate in the many opportunities for personal growth, meeting new people and making new friends.

The combination of these three short phrases attracts every kind of recruit, and helps you build a large network.

It also puts you in a very rewarding role.
*Yensen groupFB March 28, 2012

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