How high would you like to go?
As you know, top achievers in Oriflame, Diamond Directors and above
have advanced up the Leadership Path and are now making large bonus
checks. The average first year earning of a Diamond Director is $ 45
600! And that is just the beginning.
But they all started the
same way, the same as you – friend to friend – growing up the Leadership
Path until they now have organizations of thousands of people. And
they did it without a large capital investment, just a simple
registration fee.
Compare this to purchasing a franchise. For
example, a Mac Donalds franchise costs around USD $500 000. Not many
people can raise that sort of capital. And even when they have the
franchise up and running, personally they are making only modest
profits. A Diamond Director in Oriflame in contrast has an income
stream that already is larger than many franchise owners, and it
contrinues to grow over time as their network continues to expand.
So, how high would you like to go? Director? Gold? Sapphire? Diamond? Double Diamond? Executive? And more?
The Success Plan is now your map to success! Make it your guide and resource.